Sunday, 31 May 2009


sweet day.
went to santa pod for a classic ford meet - pictures to follow.
but i am severely sunburnt and it hurts, ALOT
but on the way home found a brilliant deal for a new camera body, and went to bid on it on ebay, and my phone internet screwed up, and i missed a great deal. not cool.
oh well, hopefully ill find a good deal soon =]

Friday, 29 May 2009

well happy

just bought 2 brand new lenses, a sigma 10-20mm and a weird russian fisheye haha.
also my new camera bag came today :) which is awesome.
andddddd i talked to the tax people and i think i might actually get a tax rebate, which is going straight on a new car :).
now, just to make this weekend off complete, i need to get a canon 30D body for the price i want!
and if i do, im sure ill show my happyness on here :)


Thursday, 28 May 2009

second series, and still as good

what am i talking about? flight of the conchords OF COURSE
when i thought it couldnt get any better, its just as funny, if not better, i am really loving it

Tuesday, 26 May 2009


so bored that i just selected my top 5 'celebrities i have a crush on', 'bands ive seen live in concert', 'books i love', 'favourite beers', 'best tv shows' and 'songs im currently addicted to'.
and im so bored still that im going to repeat these now.

'celebrities i have a crush on'
mila kunis
elisha cuthbert
eliza dushku
sarah chalke
jennifer aniston

'bands ive seen live in concert'
sum 41
blink 1982
the maccabees
talk taxis
jack penate

'books i love'
the mighty book of boosh
banksy:wall and piece
fight club

'favourite beers'
stella artios

'best tv shows'
family guy
the mentalist
flight of the conchords
south park

'songs im currently addicted to'
safety dance - men without hats
in for the kill - la roux
no kind words - maccabees
2 atoms in a molecule - noah and the whale
knights in white satin - the moody blues

i think it might be bed time, but not before reminding you of my first top 5 in pictures =]


looking forward to it
after managing to receive confirmation i have received a press pass, and will be taking photos with the pros, it is making me happier every time i think about it.
and due to this i am purchasing 2 new lenses at the end of this week on pay day =]
and maybe a camera body with a faster fps if i can find a second hand one cheap enough haha.

Today hasn't been the best

so i was at work, thought i was working pretty hard, when my manager comes up with a smile on his face which quickly turns into a disappointing face, and hands me and my colleague a piece of paper reading 'why i should keep my job' and asked us to fill it out and get it back to him.
just as i thought i had a steady income, this happens, puts quite a downer on today, but fingers crossed ill be ok, otherwise im screwed.

New to blogging....

My good friend robert has a blogspot, and reading it I realised it might be a fantastic new thing for me, as it is a beautiful new world for me to rant on about things I always try to tell my friends and they get horrifically bored and tell me to shut up, or in the sarcastic words of jonny bevell 'Have you got time to say that again?', so please read this all if you have the time and would like to listen to me go on about my life and such.

thankyou for your time